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The Real Giuliani- Videos

         Abandoned Heroes



Sadly, you already know much of the real story about The Real Rudy. That he chose to put his anti-terrorist command center in the only spot in New York City that had been hit by terrorists before, against the advice of every professional and his own people, because The World Trade Center was more convenient for him.

Furthermore, you're aware that his inaction in updating the radios used by firefighters who perished that day borders on the criminal. He knew the radios didn't work at least 8 years before that day, and when he finally chose to replace them, did so in grand Bushian style with a no-bid contract for radios that didn't work.

Yet, these were not even the worst aspects of Giuliani's 9/11 record. He completed this triumvirate of tragically inept behavior by ignoring the health of the very heroes who toiled day and night at Ground Zero after the attack. Nothing I could tell you here could prepare you for what you're about to watch--once healthy human beings now suffering from a range of illnesses that are a direct result of a toxic brew they inhaled in downtown Manhattan, while Rudy was telling them everything was safe and sound from his perch at Yankee Stadium and they were spending sleepless nights trying to save lives (often not wearing respirators because The Giuliani Adminstration ignored that federal requirement).

This is the Real Rudy Giuliani. A man who wants to be President and has 9/11 Tourette's Syndrome. Well, every time he heartlessly utters that simple phrase to try and help his flagging political career, let's make sure people shake their heads in disgust, because they know the true story of Rudy Giuliani the 9/11 failure.

And one more thing. Please sign the petition, demanding that Rudy meet with 9/11 first responders he has chosen to heretofore ignore. It is the very least this man could do.

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