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Our Roller Coaster Ride To Hell

By Tim Gatto

11 March, 2008

What we are seeing in the American political process is a one sided game in which the people supported by huge multi-national corporations will ultimately be the victors. This isn’t just my opinion; it is a stubborn fact of life. All who ride the “wave” of change that Senator Obama speaks of will get no change at all, maybe a kinder, gentler version of corporatism and war, but corporatism and war is what we will get. He has already stated that he will enter a sovereign nation to act on “actionable” intelligence on an enemy that doesn’t really exist. There is no al Qaeda as the government claims. Osama Bin Laden is a myth that the neo-cons made up to advance their agenda. Sure, there is a man called Osama Bin Laden, but he is not the all powerful Oz of the Islamic world. Al Qaeda is the new Soviet Union, and is there to keep us in fear. Obama knows this, Christ, there are videos galore that tell of how the neo-cons headed by Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz and Cheney made Bin Laden seem as if he controlled half the world! I’m here to tell you that 90% of this has been fabricated to advance the Neo-Con agenda.

I don’t believe for one minute that the American people are satisfied with the political slate that has been given to us by the mainstream media that has hypes Clinton and Obama since the beginning of this fiasco. When I feel that I’m the only one that sees the truth, I have to take a step back and realize that if I see it, many others see it too. I’m not that bright. The long and short of this is that when Obama says he will reach out to the other side and work together, what does that mean? Does it mean more Rumsfelds, Wolfowitz’s, Perles and Kristof’s? I would rather see Hillary Clinton in the white house (bite my tongue) than Barack Obama that doesn’t have a clue to how these Neo-Cons work. Truthfully I would rather see Mike Gravel or Ralph Nader in the White House, but that doesn’t look too promising, yet something may happen that could make it feasible, never say never, at least with a straight face.

I would like to give you some of my thoughts as crazy as they may be about the current candidates and what will happen once they are in office. Remember, I’m putting this down for posterity and I hate to be proved wrong, so with that in mind, here I go:

1 The war in Iraq will next still be going on by 2012 and will be an issue in the Presidential Election.

2 The war in Afghanistan will still be going on by 2012 and will be an issue in the next Presidential Election.

3. The War in Iran will still be going on by 2012 and will be an issue in the Presidential Election.

4. The middle class will shrink by at least 10% and the average yearly wage will drop by $2,000.

5. The people of The United States will be more antagonistic against their government than at any time in history.

6. The United States will still support Israel in every way possible even when they commit genocide against the Palestinians’.

7. The military budget will be larger than the 41% mark that it’s at now.

8. The draft will be re-instated.

9. Social programs will lose out in favor of military funding.

10. We will be at war with Venezuela to seize their oil.

11. The Military Commissions Act will still be in effect.

12. The Patriot Act will still be in effect.

13. We will lose more civil liberties because of this Global War on Terror.

14. The Warner Defense Bill will still be in effect. (The re-vamped insurrection act)

15. Guantanamo will still house prisoners.

How am I doing? Think any of the candidates will stop this roller-coaster ride to hell? I really don’t. I haven’t heard a word to the contrary. Nothing will change and everything will remain the same.

How can it change when the same people that funded Bush are funding all the candidates? How can anything change when nobody in the media asks the right questions? We have no Democracy. What we have is an illusion of democracy. Until we get angry enough things won’t change. I’ll vote third party. I won’t get bitten again by the corporate controlled media. If I had the means to change this country I would. The Neo-Cons have written this nations history for the next decade. Since I can’t change the world, all I can do is write is this tiny dark room and hope someone reads this and gets it. Seems like anyway you look at it we lose.

That’s the way I see it.


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