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Neo-Libs Label Record Breaking Ron Paul Money Bomb "Abject Failure"

Smashing historical fundraising record not enough for Obama sycophants at Wonkette

Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet
Monday, December 17, 2007


Neo-liberal establishment wannabe e-rag Wonkette and its sycophantic bloggers have dismissed the 2007 Tea Party fundraising event, which set a new campaign record by hauling in a record $6.6 million dollars for Ron Paul's presidential run, as an "abject failure".

Last month we reported how smarmy Wonkette, whose writers make a career out of attending DC parties and fawning over Bill Clinton and other elitist scumbags, ganged up with frothing Neo-Con blog Red State to form an alliance and "declare war" on Ron Paul supporters.

Wonkette's writers are routinely recruited into the establishment media following their ever-eager willingness to lick boots and uphold the left-right political carnival circus.

 Reacting to the Texas Congressman's momentous success over the weekend, Wonkette, who maturely refer to Ron Paul's supporters as "Paultards" attempted to scoff at the final amount raised.

I was going to wait until after midnight to post the results of the Dec. 16 Paultard moneybomb, but, well, reloading Ron Paul Graphs every 15 minutes takes its toll on the ol’ patience. It appears that “Tea Party 07” will accrue $6+ million dollars, breaking the $4.3 million dollar tally from the Nov. 5 moneybomb.

This figure was determined by applying advanced algebraic extrapolations to on the accompanying graph trend line — in other words, I looked at the line and said “I bet it will end up there.” OK, so I’m not a mathematician. I can, however, determine that (a) $6.something mil doesn’t reach the ‘tards $10 million dollar goal and (b) Paul’s 4% national polling average probably won’t win teh elekshinz. So the bomb was, in fact, a bomb, and thousands of people are broke as a result.

The fact that Congressman Ron Paul has shattered a historical record for fundraising set by John Kerry matters little to these ninnying hacks, who have seemingly chosen to throw their weight behind CFR globalist stooge Barack Obama.

Judging by the fact that this blog post received a paltry 7 Diggs, it seems that the only "abject failure" in this instance is Wonkette's abysmal "declaration of war" against the Ron Paul campaign, which, even with the added support of their drooling Neo-Con attack dogs over at Red State, is falling flat on its face while the Ron Paul Revolution soars in popularity.

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